Sreejesh, Caram appointed co-chairs of new FIH Athletes Committee

The FIH Athletes Committee serves as a consultative body and makes recommendations to the FIH Executive Board, FIH Committees, Advisory Panels and other bodies.

Title: Sreejesh, Caram appointed co-chairs of new FIH Athletes Committee

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Sreejesh and Caram have been named as the co-chairs of the new FIH Athletes Committee. The committee’s main role is to serve as a consultative body and provide recommendations to the FIH Executive Board, FIH Committees, Advisory Panels, and other relevant bodies.

This appointment is a significant milestone in the world of sports, as it highlights the importance of athlete representation in decision-making processes. Sreejesh and Caram bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their roles, ensuring that the voices of athletes are heard and valued within the international hockey community.

As co-chairs, Sreejesh and Caram will work closely with fellow committee members to address various issues and concerns affecting athletes. Their leadership will help shape the future of hockey and ensure that athletes’ perspectives are taken into account in all decision-making processes.

The FIH Athletes Committee plays a crucial role in promoting fair play, integrity, and inclusivity within the sport. With Sreejesh and Caram at the helm, the committee is well-positioned to drive positive change and strengthen the bond between athletes and the governing body.

We congratulate Sreejesh and Caram on their new roles and look forward to seeing the impact they will make as co-chairs of the FIH Athletes Committee.

Tags: FIH, Athletes Committee, Sreejesh, Caram, Hockey, Sports Governance, International Hockey


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