Title: Sabalenka heartbroken over former boyfriend’s death, calls it “unthinkable tragedy”
Belarusian tennis star Aryna Sabalenka was left devastated after receiving the news of her former boyfriend, tennis player Konstantin Anisimov’s tragic death. She expressed her shock and grief in a statement released through her publicists.
Sabalenka described Konstantin’s death as an “unthinkable tragedy.” Despite their breakup, she emphasized that her heart remains broken over the loss.
The tennis community and fans around the world have offered their condolences and support to Sabalenka during this difficult time.
Konstantin Anisimov was a promising young tennis player, and his sudden passing has left a void in the hearts of those who knew him. Sabalenka’s emotional response serves as a reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment.
Our thoughts are with Aryna Sabalenka, Konstantin Anisimov’s family, and all those affected by this heartbreaking loss.
Tags: #ArynaSabalenka #KonstantinAnisimov #Tennis #Tragedy #Heartbreak