Title: PKL 10: Meet Jitesh Shirwadkar, whose unique style of officiating has transcended kabaddi in the league
Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) season 10 is just around the corner, and one name that stands out in the world of kabaddi officiating is Jitesh Shirwadkar. Known for his unique style and passion for the sport, Shirwadkar has truly made a mark in the kabaddi world.
Shirwadkar, a regular referee in the Pro Kabaddi League, has not only officiated at the league but has also showcased his skills at the 2023 Junior Asian Kabaddi Championship in Iran. His dedication and hard work have earned him the respect of players, coaches, and fans alike.
The Pro Kabaddi League has played a significant role in revolutionizing the sport of kabaddi, bringing it to a global audience and gaining popularity year after year. Shirwadkar believes that the league has provided a platform for players and officials to showcase their talent and passion for the sport.
As we look forward to PKL season 10, it’s essential to recognize the contributions of individuals like Jitesh Shirwadkar, who are instrumental in taking kabaddi to new heights. His unique style of officiating and dedication to the game have truly transcended kabaddi in the league and beyond.
Tags: PKL 10, Pro Kabaddi League, Jitesh Shirwadkar, kabaddi, officiating, Junior Asian Kabaddi Championship, Iran, revolutionize, sport