Title: Pakistan Hockey Federation could be suspended if dispute not resolved by April 25: Reports
Image Source: https://ss-i.thgim.com/public/incoming/pblgh3/article68105704.ece/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1200/image%20%2811%29.jpg
According to a Pakistan Hockey Federation official based in Karachi, the FIH had made it clear that the feud between the two bodies “should be resolved today” (April 25) with the help of the government.
The Pakistan Hockey Federation is facing a potential suspension if the ongoing dispute is not resolved by April 25, as reported by a senior official within the organization. The International Hockey Federation (FIH) has issued a deadline for the resolution of the conflict, emphasizing the importance of government intervention in the matter.
The disagreement between the Pakistan Hockey Federation and the FIH has been a point of contention for some time, with tensions escalating in recent weeks. The FIH has expressed its concern over the lack of progress in resolving the dispute and the potential impact it could have on the future of hockey in Pakistan.
If the issue remains unresolved past the FIH’s specified deadline of April 25, the Pakistan Hockey Federation could face suspension, jeopardizing the country’s participation in international hockey events. It is crucial for all parties involved to work towards a swift and amicable resolution to ensure the continued development and success of hockey in Pakistan.
Stay tuned for further updates on this developing situation as we await the outcome of the negotiations between the Pakistan Hockey Federation and the FIH. For the latest news and updates on hockey and sports around the world, visit Bharat Sports.
Tags: Pakistan Hockey Federation, FIH, dispute resolution, sports news, hockey, international hockey events