Title: IPL 2024: ‘Impact Player rule is hampering the progress of all-rounders,’ says Gujarat Titans assistant coach Aashish Kapoor
In a recent interview, Gujarat Titans assistant coach Aashish Kapoor voiced his concerns about the Impact Player rule in IPL 2024, stating that it is hindering the development of all-rounders in the league. Kapoor expressed his surprise at the high-scoring games this season, attributing it to the exceptional batting performances but pointing out the lackluster bowling standards.
The Impact Player rule, which allows teams to designate a player to score double points in a match, has been a topic of debate since its introduction. Kapoor believes that this rule puts all-rounders at a disadvantage as they are not able to showcase their full range of skills. He emphasized the importance of balance between batting and bowling in T20 cricket and suggested that the current rule favors batsmen over bowlers.
Despite the challenges faced by all-rounders in IPL 2024, Kapoor commended the batters for their stunning shot-making abilities. He acknowledged the entertainment value of high-scoring games but stressed the need for better bowling performances to level the playing field.
As the league progresses, it will be interesting to see how teams adapt to the Impact Player rule and how it impacts the overall dynamics of the game. Cricketers, fans, and coaches alike will be closely monitoring the developments to determine its long-term effects on the league.
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