Title: Hockey Haryana crowned champions of the 14th Hockey India Senior Women National Championship
Hockey Haryana emerged victorious in a thrilling final match against hosts Hockey Maharashtra in the 14th Hockey India Senior Women National Championship. The intense match ended in a 1-1 draw, leading to a nail-biting shootout where Hockey Haryana clinched the gold medal with a 3-0 score.
In a display of exceptional skill and teamwork, Jharkhand secured the third-place spot by defeating Madhya Pradesh with a 2-0 score. The competition was fierce, but Jharkhand’s determination and prowess ultimately secured their spot on the podium.
The championship was a testament to the talent and dedication of all the teams involved. Each match showcased the passion and sportsmanship that is at the core of field hockey. Congratulations to Hockey Haryana for their well-deserved victory and to all the teams for their outstanding performances throughout the tournament.
For more updates and news from the world of field hockey, stay tuned to Bharat Sports.
Tags: Hockey Haryana, Hockey Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, 14th Hockey India Senior Women National Championship
URL: https://ss-i.thgim.com/public/incoming/gqg6zy/article67985462.ece/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1200/Hockey%20Haryana.JPG