Title: Dilip Tirkey congratulates Sreejesh on being appointed co-chair of FIH Athletes Committee
The International Hockey Federation (FIH) announced the appointment of its new Athletes Committee, with co-chairs Camila Caram and Sreejesh leading the way. This significant recognition highlights the dedication and leadership of these two talented hockey players in the global sports community.
Dilip Tirkey, former Indian hockey captain and current Member of Parliament, expressed his congratulations to Sreejesh on this notable accomplishment. He praised Sreejesh for his outstanding contribution to the sport and emphasized the importance of athletes’ voices in shaping the future of hockey.
As co-chair of the FIH Athletes Committee, Sreejesh will play a pivotal role in representing the interests and perspectives of players from around the world. His experience and passion for the game make him a valuable asset in advocating for the needs of athletes and promoting the growth of hockey on a global scale.
The FIH’s decision to appoint Sreejesh reflects the organization’s commitment to empowering athletes and ensuring their voices are heard at the highest levels of the sport. This collaborative approach will undoubtedly benefit the hockey community as a whole and lead to positive developments in the sport.
Congratulations once again to Sreejesh on his appointment as co-chair of the FIH Athletes Committee. We look forward to seeing the positive impact he will have on the future of hockey and the continued success of players worldwide.
Tags: FIH, Athletes Committee, Sreejesh, Camila Caram, Dilip Tirkey, Indian hockey, leadership, global sports
URL: https://ss-i.thgim.com/public/incoming/obzlk5/article68001311.ece/alternates/LANDSCAPE_1200/image%20-%202024-03-28T122949.595.jpg